After years of trying and a failed IVF attempt, Pippa is thrilled to see two little lines appear on a pregnancy test. Finally a precious baby to call her own. This is all Pippa has ever wanted…if only husband Jason could show just a little excitement.
A baby is the icing on the cake for Imogen and Alice – proof that their love for each other can overcome any obstacle. But when Imogen starts receiving malicious texts, it's clear that not everyone is thrilled about the girls' good news.
And Ellie…
A drunken one-night stand and Ellie's life is ruined! Pregnant, jobless and the relationship with her best friend, Chris, over- forever. Because Chris just happens to be the father of Ellie's baby…and potentially the love of her life!
For these first time mums the road to motherhood is bumpier than most!
My Review!
Congratulation's Lucie Wheeler on your debut novel... I loved it!
I really enjoyed this book, it had all the things I love about chick lit - friendship, love and a villain to hate!
Ellie, Pippa and Imogen all fall pregnant under different circumstances and we get to follow them throughout the 9 months seeing their friendships develop through meeting at the first time mum's club that Zoe (Ellie's sister and Pippa's best friend) runs at her cafe.
(I constantly wanted cake while reading this book, the cakes just sound too yum!)
At times I got frustrated with some of the characters, I wanted to step into the book and give them a good shake but that just showed me how invested and involved I felt in them and the story. By the end I felt like I had known them for ages, I loved their friendship and how they supported each other through the ups and downs.
I was disappointed that it had to come to an end I am really hoping Lucie revisits the group and brings out book two so we can find out what they are up to!
I will be recommending this book to all of my friends!
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